How NOT to Lose Your School Chromebook Earbuds

headphone on paper

Hoping to get a new pair of earbuds that are compatible with your Chromebook this holiday season, but are afraid of losing them? Don’t worry, we’ve all been there. Earbuds are so tiny and portable that it can be hard not to misplace them every now and then.

We’ve got some pro tips to help you keep track of your school Chromebook earbuds so you can have them close at hand whenever you need them, at home or on the go.

Give Them a Home

We don’t mean you need to build a little house for your earbuds (but it’s OK if you want to!) What we’re saying is that if you designate a special spot for your school Chromebook earbuds to “live,” such as in a little box on your desk or nightstand, you are less likely to leave them somewhere else. Every time you want to use your earbuds to do schoolwork or listen to music or videos on your Chromebook, you’ll know just where to find them!

Make a Good Habit

Of course, if you don’t get into the habit of putting your school Chromebook earbuds back in their designated spot after each use, you still run the risk of misplacing them. Be sure to put them back every time you use them until you get in the habit of doing it without even thinking about it. This way, you’re less likely to lose them.

Install a Tracker

Even the most organized person loses something from time to time. Luckily, we live in an era where we can use GPS technology to locate just about anything, as long as we’ve placed a little tracking device on it. A Tile or Apple AirTag is an affordable and efficient way to keep track of even the smallest items, like the case for your school Chromebook earbuds!

Retrace Your Steps

But what if you try all of the above tips and still somehow end up misplacing your earbuds? It happens! Simply retrace your steps, both literally and figuratively, to remember where you were the last time you remember seeing or using them. Try not to panic, because that will just cloud your mind and make it difficult to think straight. Instead, take a few deep breaths and then get started on a little detective work to find your school Chromebook earbuds right where you left them.

Losing things is part of the human experience. Hey, nobody’s perfect! By following the tips in this article and taking good care of your school Chromebook earbuds, you can be sure to always have them handy for a quality listening and learning experience.