Emerging Education Technology: What’s the Next Big Thing?

Attention, educators! The 2023-24 school year is just a couple of months away. Is your classroom technology up to speed for optimal learning? Here are some of the latest trends in edutech for you to consider using in your classroom, if you aren’t already.

Webcams and Document Cameras

Webcams allow students to connect with other classrooms anywhere in the world in real-time video conferences, as well as explore educational institutions such as museums or historic sites on virtual field trips without ever having to leave their classrooms! 

On top of that, document cameras make it easy for teachers to project images of textbooks or handwritten notes onto a large screen so everyone in the classroom can see clearly. This means no more squinting at small text or struggling to read messy handwriting on a whiteboard. Combined web and document camera technology, like this all-new model from Cyber Acoustics that hits shelves in July 2023, gives teachers two important pieces of edutech equipment in one easy-to-use device. 

Podcasting Sets

For teachers wishing to expand their students’ awareness and interest in a specific study topic, letting them create their own podcast can be a cool, exciting way to demonstrate their knowledge. Podcasting kits like this one from HamiltonBuhl can help you and your students level up your presentation game.

Charging Carts

Because technology is an important aspect of today’s students’ lives, it goes without saying that it is an essential part of their education. That’s why many schools have decided to invest in class sets of Chromebooks or tablets for use with in-classroom study and testing. With all these devices in one classroom, it’s important to have a convenient, practical way to safely store and charge them when not in use. Charging carts like the Anywhere Cart rolling charge stand have become a favorite among teachers as a smart storage and charging solution.

Gaming Curriculum With Headsets

If you’ve attended an edutech conference recently, you’ve undoubtedly heard about the trend of using educational games to help students learn at their own pace. In addition to being a proven educational tool, using gaming curriculum in your classroom can double as a reward for students who have finished their work early. After all, there’s an excellent chance your students will find the games so fun that they don’t even realize they’re learning something. (Remember Oregon Trail?) Be sure to purchase headsets or school Chromebook earbuds that are compatible with the gaming curriculum you choose to ensure that other students aren’t being disturbed.

Educational technology is always changing, and it’s exciting to think about what may be on the horizon. These emerging technologies can help you give your students an immersive, well-rounded experience they’ll remember forever.